
This Infobel api uses a token-based authentication that is required to use any of the methods available. The following method will generate a valid token that you can use only for a limited time. Once expired, you will have to generate and use a new token

API method URIDescription
POST api/token

Use this method to generate a new token using your provided credentials. The returned access_token must be used in a custom HTTP Header named Authorization and having for value: Bearer {access_token}


The following method is only present for tests purpose

API method URIDescription
GET api/test/hello

Use this method to test the connection to the api. You will receive a welcome message that will change if the request is sent anonymously, or authentified with a valid token


The following methods allow you to check all the countries available through the api

API method URIDescription
GET api/countries?languageCode={languageCode}

Use this method to get all the countries you can query using the api. For each one you will know which database types can be queried


The following methods allow you to fetch all and search for any of the different types of categories that you can use in your queries

API method URIDescription
GET api/categories/infobel/{languageCode}

Use this method to fetch all the Infobel categories available. This will return the categories and their descriptions in the specified language. Note that some Infobel categories might not have a description in some languages

GET api/categories/infobel/children/{parentCode}/{languageCode}

Use this method to fetch all the Infobel categories available for a specified parent code. This will return the categories and their descriptions in the specified language. Note that some Infobel categories might not have a description in some languages

GET api/categories/infobel/level/{categorylevel}/{languageCode}

Use this method to fetch all the Infobel categories available for a specified parent code. This will return the categories and their descriptions in the specified language. Note that some Infobel categories might not have a description in some languages

POST api/categories/lineage?languageCode={languageCode}

Use this method to fetch all the lineages for specified children codes. This will return the categories and their descriptions in the specified language. Note that some categories might not have a description in some languages

GET api/categories/search/{languageCode}/{filter}?countryCode={countryCode}

Use this method to search for any type of category, using a term-based filter. This will return any type of category matching the input filter in the specified language

POST api/categories/search/{languageCode}/{filter}

Use this method to search for any type of category, using a term-based filter. This will return any type of category matching the input filter in the specified language that are available in the provided countries


The following methods allow you to fetch all and search for any of the different types of locations for any country available that you can use in your queries

API method URIDescription
GET api/locations/{countryCode}/cities?languageCode={languageCode}&provinceCode={provinceCode}

Use this method to fetch all the cities available for a specified country. You can also limit to fetch only the cities for a specified province

GET api/locations/{countryCode}/provinces?languageCode={languageCode}&regionCode={regionCode}

Use this method to fetch all the provinces available for a specified country. You can also limit to fetch only the provinces for a specified region

GET api/locations/{countryCode}/regions?languageCode={languageCode}

Use this method to fetch all the regions available for a specified country

POST api/locations/{countryCode}/lineage?languageCode={languageCode}

Use this method to fetch all lineages for specified children codes. This will return the locations and their descriptions in the specified language. Note that some Infobel locations might not have a description in some languages

GET api/locations/{countryCode}/search/{filter}?languageCode={languageCode}

Use this method to search for any type of location for a specified country, using a term-based filter. This will return any type of location matching the input filter in the specified country

POST api/locations/search/{filter}?take={take}

Use this method to search for any type of location for multiple (or all) countries, using a term-based filter. This will return any type of location matching the input filter in the specified countries

The following methods allow you to submit searches, check their status and check the counts they returned

API method URIDescription
GET api/search/{searchId}/status

Use this method to get a search's status: Open: the filters can still be modified Previewed: the preview was generated but no records were extracted. The filters can still be modified Extracted: records were exported Closed: the search is closed, meaning it cannot be modified, previewed, and records can no longer be extracted

GET api/search/{searchId}/filters?languageCode={languageCode}

Use this method to get the filters specified for a search

GET api/search/{searchId}/counts

Use this method to get the counts produced by a previous search

GET api/search/{searchId}/preview?languageCode={languageCode}&internationalPhoneFormat={internationalPhoneFormat}

Use this method to fetch a preview of records returned by a search. The will return first page of records (max 100) so you can preview the output result.

GET api/search/{searchId}/records/{page}?languageCode={languageCode}&internationalPhoneFormat={internationalPhoneFormat}

Use this method to fetch records returned by a search. Please note that a page can only be fetched when all previous ones were already fetched.

POST api/search

Use this method to submit a new search. Please check the input requirements

GET api/search/{searchId}/history

Use this method to get the modifications submitted for a search

POST api/search/{searchId}/preview?languageCode={languageCode}&internationalPhoneFormat={internationalPhoneFormat}

Use this method to fetch a partial preview of records returned by a search. The will return first page of records (max 100) so you can preview the output result.

POST api/search/{searchId}/records/{page}?languageCode={languageCode}&internationalPhoneFormat={internationalPhoneFormat}

Use this method to fetch partial records returned by a search. Submit the fields (as an array of strings) you want to be returned by the api. Please note that using this method with only the fields you need may increase the performance and decrease the response time of the api.


The following methods allow you to submit searches, check their status and check the counts they returned

API method URIDescription
GET api/record/{countryCode}/{universalPublicationId}?languageCode={languageCode}&filterOnDNCM={filterOnDNCM}&internationalPhoneFormat={internationalPhoneFormat}

Use this method to fetch a record's content based on its UniversalPublicationId

POST api/record/{countryCode}/{universalPublicationId}?languageCode={languageCode}&filterOnDNCM={filterOnDNCM}&internationalPhoneFormat={internationalPhoneFormat}

Use this method to fetch a record's partial content based on its UniversalPublicationId


The following methods allow you to fetch usefull informations

API method URIDescription
GET api/utils/languages

Use this method to fetch all the languages available.